Three Reasons Why You Need a Professional Headshot

headshotA headshot is always needed because of large social media dominance and online presence by businesses. Because many of our introductions and business relations are done virtually, it is crucial to have a professional headshot that makes a good first impression on your consumers and cliental.

When Do You Know It Is Time For A New Headshot?
If your hair has changed, your appearance has drastically changed or perhaps you are starting your first business. It is time for you to contact a professional photographer for a headshot. As a rule of thumb, your business headshot should be updated every two-three years. As time goes on, we change and, therefore, so should our headshots. Below are three reasons why you should contact Capitol Photo Headshots today for your headshot session.

Your Headshot Is Everywhere
You see them on public websites as well as intranets, and even in traditional print media such as journals and magazines. Headshots are a way to connect with potential clients as well as colleagues in ways the textual descriptions and professional accolades cannot. But using any sort of photo as your headshot simply is not enough.

First Impression
Given that social media is rampant today, the first form of contact people seem to make is on the internet. A professional photo will provide a form of initial interaction that will set out the tone of your brand long before your prospect client calls you. A professional photographer will know how to capture you in a positive light and focus on your best features that will make your personality shine.

Brand Awareness
Both simple and powerful, headshots fit today’s marketing demands and can be used in all areas of your personal branding strategy. And with the growing participation of online consumers and potential clients, your headshot allows people to connect a face with a virtual identity.

Schedule Your Session Today
At Capitol Photo Headshots, our speciality is capturing your authenticity. Contact us today at 203-255-4002.

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