Tag Archives: Photogenic People

How to Look Your Best in Photos

best photoGetting your photo taken can quiet nerve racking, especially when you do not consider yourself photogenic. Many people are faced with this problem, but there are remedies to make you look your very best. Looking and feeling good in front of the camera is a skill that you can learn.

Embrace Your Uniqueness
Photogenic people seem confident no matter where they are or what they are wearing. But notice that word, confident. It is not because they are any more attractive than the rest of the world, it is because they are less self conscious about their appearance.

Many people lack the confidence because they find faults on their face such as the gap in your teeth, the crow’s-feet that appear when they smile, or their stubborn hair. Rather than trying to hide what you consider your faults, embrace what makes you unique. Continue reading How to Look Your Best in Photos