Tips for Planning a Website Redesign

website redesignA properly designed website can do a host of things for your company as it will keep customers on your site, leading to higher conversion rates and better click-through. Higher conversion rates mean better sales and better sales mean a better business overall. Taking the time and investing more money into an effective web design is worth the rewards you will reap. Redesign your business website with these tips to improve your profits and customer base.

Look At Your Current Site
Before you start thinking about what features and design elements you want in your new website, take a look at your current site. What do you like and what do not you like about your website? Does the navigation make sense and can the content be easily viewed on a mobile device? When you take a closer look at what you already have, it can help narrow down what you are looking for in a new site design.

Think About Your Online Goals
It is important to think about why you want a new site and to solidify your goals. Perhaps your number one goal is to increase web traffic or to enable customers to make purchases directly from your website. No matter what your goals are, it is important to define them before proceeding with the design or implementation of a new website.

Consider The Competition
A great way to determine what to include in a site redesign is to look at what the competition is doing. Your competition can be a helpful source of inspiration. Take a look at what things you like and think about how you could incorporate similar concepts into your website. Looking at what others have done and how they approached certain elements of the design can be really helpful when you are thinking about your website.

Develop A Website Redesign Strategy
Once you have identified your goals and evaluated the competition, it is time to start shaping your design strategy. A good website strategy outlines all of the details and elements of your redesign project and shows how each step will be carried out. For the most effective redesign, make sure that your strategy includes ways to promote consistent messaging and branding, and that it takes into consideration important elements like responsive web design and social media integration.

Contact Us
Interested in taking your website to the next level with a fresh look and increased functionality? Contact Capitol Photo Interactive today at 203-255-4002.

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