Tag Archives: Headshots

Advertise Your Business Using Coroporate Headshots

Business MarketingAdvertising today is no longer just about getting your name out there. You need to stand out among the crowd by putting your best face forward to make your company or career success. You are the most powerful marking tool on your page, ranging from company websites to business-oriented social media sites such as LinkedIn.

Show Your Personality
Whether you are a corporate executive or an entrepreneur, your headshot is part of your brand. As one of your essential marketing tools, your photograph gets you noticed and encourages people to engage with you. Your headshot photograph shows your personality and helps convey your approachability, friendliness, and professionalism. Continue reading Advertise Your Business Using Coroporate Headshots

Traditional and Modern Corporate Headshots

Corporate PhotographyIn today’s competitive business and social environment success or failure can hinge on how well you are able to connect with your client base. Words go only so far in bringing your message to the market. Nothing out performs a well executed portrait’s ability to help you connect at a deeper level with your prospective clients. An unbelievable creative portrait can speak volumes. An image of you skillfully created brings you and your clients face to face like no other medium.

Traditional Corporate Headshot

Most traditional corporate headshots are of well-dressed and well groomed individuals. They give a sense of being an organized, structured, and professional company. Continue reading Traditional and Modern Corporate Headshots

Corporate Event Photography

adult-back-view-celebrationIf you have an upcoming corporate event, you will want to capture the key moments. In order to do that, it is best to hire an event photographer. Below are a few reasons to hire Capitol Photo Interactive for your corporate event.


  1. Chances are, you have too much on your plate! Hosting an event comes with a laundry list of responsibilities. Even if someone else within your organization volunteered to help with the photography,they will probably still need quite a bit of assistance with direction since they may not have any experience photographing events. Either way, this puts an intense amount of pressure on you to be in way too many places at once. It is better to hire an event photographer and take away one responsibility from the plethora you are loaded with.

Continue reading Corporate Event Photography

Attract Your Ideal Clients with Brand Photos

Your logo and your website happen to be just two parts of your visual branding.But there is also another key element missing that is needed to communicate with that dream client of yours. The other key element needed happens to be brand photos.


What Are Brand Photos?

Brand photos are images that you use to represent your business and brand.

Continue reading Attract Your Ideal Clients with Brand Photos

Website Headshots: Tips to Match Your Brand

One of the keys to a great company website is having consistent, professional company headshots. Your company’s website, the quality and style of your headshot conveys a lot about you as a person and signals how you conduct business. Inconsistent headshots can have a negative impact on how people perceive your brand, your reputation, and your business.


Expressions Express Your Brand

A company’s personality is reflected in your team’s expressions. If your business is stern and serious, closed mouth expressions and a soft smile are ideal for company’s website photos. Continue reading Website Headshots: Tips to Match Your Brand

Environmental Portraits and Corporate Headshots

Corporate headshots are an essential part of your company’s public relations profile.It is imperative that the way the corporate head shots are photographed matches the essence of your branding, from the posing to lighting and clothing to expression. With that in mind, there are a few questions to consider.

What Image Is Your Company Trying To Project?

Decide on what your portraits need to convey, and consider all of your options. We have found that over the last several years, clients have moved away from the studio headshot with a backdrop to a more environmental portrait. Continue reading Environmental Portraits and Corporate Headshots

Proper Attire to Attract the Right Client

You have just made the decision to get new headshots to appear fresh and attract desirable to new clients. We all know that what you wear will have your potential client ultimately and subconsciously decide to choose you for your services. They may not consciously make this decision, but if they view your image and see you dressed in frumpy clothes and wearing gaudy jewelry, they may choose someone else to do business with. Below are a few helpful tips on what you can wear or how you can appear in your headshots to attract the right client.

Dress For Your Occupation
If you are a lawyer, you do not want to be photographed in beach attire or jeans and a tee-shirt. It is important to know your occupation so you can dress for it. Male lawyers should wear well-tailored suits or even a simple dress shirt with a tie. Woman lawyers should avoid prints and go with something striking and bold, allowing them to look dominant and fierce. Continue reading Proper Attire to Attract the Right Client

Casual Corporate Headshot: How to Look More Approachable

Casual headshots are an informal way of introducing yourself within all of your marketing efforts. Casual headshots are more lifestyle oriented that your average corporate headshot and portray a much trendy, hipper, youthful vibe. This type of headshot provides a way to give a personal touch of your branding so that it better reflects the tone you want to set and your individual personality.

Headshots are part of our media driven business world and getting an excellent shot is as important as having the right experience and education. So try and shake things up and show that you are up to speed in this fast paced moving world, read these tips below that will give you just the right edge that clients are looking for. Continue reading Casual Corporate Headshot: How to Look More Approachable

Get the Most out of Your Social Media Headshots

Today there are numerous ways to get yourself out there and on social media. Your image is important and something that contributes to your business as well as your personal brand. One of the most important things to consider is what social media sites you are using and what goals you have for them. For example on LinkedIn you definitely want a professional image that is more of acloseup headshot while a personal Twitter account might allow for something more casual and relaxed and your personal Facebook photo would likely be similar. Your image on social media will be a first impression and it is key to make a good one!

At Capitol Photo Interactive, we have been shooting both headshots and portraits for many years and we have the precise knowledge of what works, but it is also important to project an image that you want to present. We will work with you to create those looks collaboratively so you can have a social media headshot or portrait that works for you. Continue reading Get the Most out of Your Social Media Headshots

Great Poses to Consider for Your Next Headshot Session

The most difficult part of headshot photography is probably the pose. Clients can have great attire and have a great face but it does not mean anything if the pose is not right. Your pose is your paralanguage spoken through a photo, it can completely make or break your personality. Below are a list of common headshot poses.

The Leaning Pose
Clients who are too shy to pose for the camera often find it hard to stand straight without getting too stiff. Leaning to one side can help them relax. Leaning against a wall or railing makes the pose seem much more natural. It works great for outdoor shoots.

Sitting Pose
A sitting pose is another great pose for an outdoor session to help clients relax better. Clients tend to have more control over their body and facial expressions when they are sitting. Sitting on a chair or a stairwell with hands perfectly placed on the knees, can make you seem content and confident in your photos. Continue reading Great Poses to Consider for Your Next Headshot Session

The Transition From Traditional to Modern Headshots

You never want to make a bad first impression. Unfortunately, people will make judgement about you just by looking at your photo. It only takes about one-tenth of a second for someone to assess your photo and decide whether they trust you and want to work with you.

Your online appearance is critical. Potential clients are greeted with your online profile before they meet you. LinkedIn found that having a profile picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed by others, so it is for your benefit if you have a solid profile picture that accurately portrays who you are and lines well with your core competencies. Continue reading The Transition From Traditional to Modern Headshots

Why Your Company Needs Business Headshots

business-headshotSeeing a picture is a vital step in building an enduring relationship, whether a client or customer is considering a first time meeting, or maintaining a long-term relationship with you. People like to know who they are doing business with. Today, the internet allows anyone to research before they buy. A great headshot strategically placed on your website is a way to introduce yourself to a potential customer. It is the modern equivalent of a warm, friendly greeting extended as someone walks through your door. Conversely, poor headshots of you or your staff is a quick turn off. It shows lack of care about how you present your business to the world. This is your chance to make a great first impression.

Give Recognition
Every company gives recognition to their employees at one time or another. This is a perfect time to use headshots, put the photo of the employee of the month on the wall or send it out to the team via email. Put it in your corporate newsletter or send a beautifully framed print to the family with a letter recognizing their accomplishments. The uses of a great headshot are endless when recognizing employees. Continue reading Why Your Company Needs Business Headshots

Creative Ways to Use Your Business Headshots

professional-headshotWhen it comes to investing in your business, nothing compares to the brand longevity and reach that professional photography can bring. Your business headshot can be one of your most effective marketing assets, especially when you are building a personal brand. Below are seven ways you can use your business headshot.

Website And Social Media
This is the first place to start to build your online presence. Use your images on your about page, timeline covers and profile pictures. Show people what it is like to work with you. You can create a feeling and mood with your images and attract the right people to your brand. Continue reading Creative Ways to Use Your Business Headshots

Why Your Business Needs Professional Product Photography

product photographyProduct photography is a critical and essential investment for any business. The advertising and marketing world has always been visually oriented and even more so today. As it turns out, 90 percent of all information our brains process is visual. Our brains process visual information no less than 60,000 times faster than text, which is a major reason why we tend to remember 80 percent of what we see, but only 20 percent of what we read. To make your website, digital marketing, promotional materials, and print advertisements stand out, professional product photography is essential. There is only so much that can be said in words, and amazing photos of your products are the biggest influence behind your customers’ buying decisions.

Why Product Photography Is Important
In today’s visual world, where media is more influential in business than ever, it is impossible to sell your products or services without professional photos that complement your business’s style, show off the details of your product, and illustrate your products’ value. Product photography is valuable for a variety of businesses. Continue reading Why Your Business Needs Professional Product Photography

Market Your Business With a Corporate Headshot

Businessman with arms crossedToday, advertising is not just about getting your name out there anymore. To make your business or career successful you have to stand out among the competition by putting your best face forward. From company websites to business oriented social media sites like LinkedIn, you are the most powerful marking tool on your page.

Show Your Personality
Whether you are a corporate executive or an entrepreneur, your headshot is part of your brand. As one of your essential marketing tools, your photograph gets you noticed and encourages people to engage with you. Your headshot photograph shows your personality and helps convey your approachability, friendliness and professionalism. Continue reading Market Your Business With a Corporate Headshot

Tips for a Fantastic Business Headshot

headshot of young Arabian businessmanA good professional business portrait on LinkedIn (and anywhere else) is one of the most effective ways for you to stand out and market yourself. Just having a profile picture alone is enough to make your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed! Continue reading Tips for a Fantastic Business Headshot

Common Headshot Mistakes

Man made a mistakeWe live in a very technologically driven world. When people want to know about something or someone, what is the first thing they do? They go online. When they want to find out about a product or service, they Google it. When they want to find out more about a person, they’re heading to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & Linked-In. Online appearance is extremely important. Many people make their decision while researching online. Whether you are searching for your dream job, vying for a promotion or hoping to appeal to prospective clients, your headshot should communicate that you care enough about your appearance and your profession to invest in it.

Common Headshot Mistakes

Your Smile Is Not Genuine – Your smile is your most important business tool. A professional photographer’s job is to bring out the best smile in every single person. Continue reading Common Headshot Mistakes

The Importance of a Headshot

Businessman giving thumbs upWhen you think of headshots, you tend to think of actors and models, because they need headshots to book work. This still holds true for their profession but nowadays with the popularity of search engines like Google and Bing, everyone is searching names to find information about individuals and their companies. Continue reading The Importance of a Headshot